Dino Run

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Tampilan 1067
Diselamatkan 605
Ukuran 7.2 M
Perpanjangan .SWF
Lebar 800
Tinggi 450
Bintang 5
Dino Run is a classic running game, created by Pixeljam. You play as a dinosaur and you have to run from extinction. Prevent the extinction of your...

Dino Run is a classic running game, created by Pixeljam. You play as a dinosaur and you have to run from extinction. Prevent the extinction of your species by running away from flying meteorites and evil dinosaurs! Take control of a dino fighting for his life. Run as quickly as possible, and stomp on other animals in your path. Jump over obstacles, and don't get caught in pits. Avoid total extinction at all costs!

Left key Right key or A key D key to move.
Up key or W key to Jump.
Down key or S key to Duck.
Shift key to Boost.

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