Electric Man 2

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Tampilan 65977
Diselamatkan 865
Ukuran 3.09 M
Perpanjangan .SWF
Lebar 737
Tinggi 460
Bintang 1
Electric Man 2 is the second edition of the popular fighting game. Now you can enjoy the new campaign mode and play it for free at our website. At...

Electric Man 2 is the second edition of the popular fighting game. Now you can enjoy the new campaign mode and play it for free at our website. At the beginning of the game you must choose the color of your fighter and name. Remember that the game has stickmen characters, so they may not seem very realistic, while the fights are just awesome. You can perform different kinds of attacks, including slow motion kicks and double attacks.Your mission is to win the tournament of Voltagen and the only way to do so is to win all battles. In some battles you will have to kill 3 enemies at a time so be careful.

Left key right key to move.
Down key to dodge or cartwheel out of a bad situation.
A key S key D key to punch/kick/grab.
Q key W key E key for the slow-motion version of those same action moves.
Space key to continue.

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