Epic Winter Madeline Hatter

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Tampilan 77
Diselamatkan 417
Ukuran 2.4 M
Perpanjangan .SWF
Lebar 800
Tinggi 600
Bintang 4
Today you will have fun with Madeline Hatter and get to know her as she truly is: a very cute and sociable girl and of course, a huge fan of tea....

Today you will have fun with Madeline Hatter and get to know her as she truly is: a very cute and sociable girl and of course, a huge fan of tea. While you spend some time with her you will help her look beautiful by pampering her with a complete makeover. This way her skin will look flawless and brighter than ever! After you are done with this part, you will have a blast as you will check Madeline's fabulous wardrobe. Don't forget to pick a great hairdo for her and a nice lipstick and eyeshadow that will emphasize her natural beauty. Have fun!!!

Left mouse to play.

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