Stabika 3 Hacked

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Tampilan 84
Diselamatkan 468
Ukuran 5.43 M
Perpanjangan .SWF
Lebar 500
Tinggi 400
Bintang 4
Hacked: Press A. Maneuver Kade through the 3rd part of the Stabika series. This time around you can take control of Kade in a whole new way through...

Hacked: Press A.

Maneuver Kade through the 3rd part of the Stabika series. This time around you can take control of Kade in a whole new way through Defiance mode which really makes Stabika two games in one. The classic push button action scenes are here as well as a all new platform system.

Press A,S,D,Left,Up,Right

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