Urban Sniper

  • Terima kasih...

Game Bugs

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Tampilan 297
Diselamatkan 516
Ukuran 2.06 M
Perpanjangan .SWF
Lebar 600
Tinggi 480
Bintang 5
Hey, I heard you're new in town. Want to fight it with the big boys? You have one left a long way ahead, wriggling in the treacherous waters here....

Hey, I heard you're new in town. Want to fight it with the big boys? You have one left

a long way ahead, wriggling in the treacherous waters here. But I like bravery

your. That's why I'll give you a job. There's a punk named Carlos and he

worst possible. I received word that he was meeting someone in the park. Carlos will probably

cap as always. However, there is no news about the other guy, except that he

will wait in the car. Waste both! I don't care how you do... just do it. If you

do this for me, more money will go into your account... I can tell you so.

And oh, I see you only have 50 ammo... better save it while you can because there's a command.

Ban on selling ammo after work last week.

Left mouse to Aim/shoot.
Space key to awitch look out and snipe mode.

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